That Swedish entrepreneurs start companies abroad is no longer a fact at all. Today, there are established company agencies that help you start up businesses in other countries.
So you have every opportunity to be able to live on your business a little faster than if you were to run the business at home. That's not wrong. It's tactical. This solution is available for a reason. In the last decade, Swedish small and medium-sized companies have been internationalized at a rapid pace. There is a lot of help available for you who want to reach new markets or move production abroad. The most important thing in an investment abroad is that you acquire knowledge of the market. Always keep the new market's competitive situation, quality level, regulations and culture in mind when choosing a country.

Expanding the business can be costly. Therefore, concentrate on one market at a time so that you can invest sufficient resources in the expansion. Once you have gained a foothold in a market, you can move on and gradually build your business in new markets.

When you start a company abroad, we support you by obtaining information and knowledge about the new country of establishment. Our expertise in the market's competitive situation, quality level, regulations and the country's culture simplifies and secures your process.

Good to know: 
Read about international double taxation at the tax authorities.

  • England
  • Estland (with swedish f-tax)
  • Lithuania Read more
  • Latvia Läs Mer
  • Cyprus
  • Bulgaria Read more
  • Hungary
  • Ukraine
  • Poland
  • Finland
  • Denmark
  • Norway
  • England
  • Singapore
  • Dubai
  • Hong Kong
  • Cyprus (including foundations)
  • Malta
  • Gibraltar
  • Turkey


Establishment package
1950 Exkl. moms
  • Inkl. Registreringsavgifter
  • Free consultation throughout the case
  • Quick delivery


Establishment package
1950 Exkl. moms
  • Inkl. Registreringsavgifter
  • Free consultation throughout the case
  • Quick delivery


1500 Exkl. moms
  • VAT & Tax Registration
  • Certificate of good standing
  • All government fees upon registration
  • We take care of all the administrative, so you only need to concentrate on profitable business.
    Tillkommer avgifter vid bildning på distans.
    Tillkommer 40€ för ny företagsadress.

Why companies in Estonia?

Your biggest advantage in registering a company for you in Estonia is that you avoid corporate tax, as long as you keep the profit in the company. Here you get a lot of opportunities to accumulate capital in a stable EU country, to then, for example, invest in new projects, properties, shares or even lend the money.


- 0% Corporation tax
– 22% Utdelningsskatt
– 22% Löneskatt
- 0 SEK Benefit value car

Estonia number 1 in Europe

According to the International Tax Foundation, Estonia has the absolute best tax system of all 34 OECD countries.

Vi erbjuder estniska aktiebolag. Även för dig med betalningsanmärkningar och skulder till Kronofogden och till skillnad från engelska bolag är skatten låg och låga bokföringskostnader.
Första gången du kommer måste du stanna över natten för att bli färdig med mantalsskrivningen. Då köper du också bolaget. Den andra gången räcker det med att du stannar över dagen.

Bolagsskatten är noll procent, så länge pengarna arbetar i bolaget och endast 22 procent när vinsten tas ut!

Establishment package in Lithuania

The package costs 1950 Euro. With this you get all the support and assistance with the establishment and development of your business in Lithuania:

Registration of your company (UAB) in Lithuania, with 2500 Euro share capital, address, stamp, bank account at SEB or another bank.

Recommendation of 2-3 accounting firms, lawyers and HR firms.

Contact an experienced Swedish-speaking consultant in Lithuania who performs services from airport to airport - will meet you at Vilnius Airport. Assists you with booking hotels, company registration, meetings with accounting companies. 5 hours services with visits by other Lithuanian companies in Vilnius in respective industries such as construction, metal, plastic, printing, IT, wood, textiles, furniture, trade, environment, HR, etc. If companies are located outside Vilnius, the price is calculated separately

Additional consulting hours cost 70 Euro per hour. Consultant also helps you find suitable partners or representatives in your industry, market analysis, to supply relevant business lists with contact details, to check references and financial situation, to help in critical situations, solve problems, to ensure quality increases, help understand cultural differences.