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We also offer help with...

Company brokerage

Have you decided that you do not want to keep your limited company? We at Europabusiness can mediate your company (including dormant companies) to the right buyer.
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As we operate in a very large network, we can offer a large portfolio of contacts and information. For example, making contacts, consulting when negotiating a contract, permits, legal disputes. We help you with import and export.


We can now offer production of complete websites. Also updates and adjustments of existing websites. Contact us for more information.

Invoice without company

We take care of the payroll administration, contacts with the Swedish Tax Agency, payment of VAT and tax and insurance. With us, you as an individual can invoice without f-tax.


Via vår samarbetspartner så hjälper vi dig att avveckla ditt bolag. Vår samarbetspartner tar hand om hela processen.


Liquidating limited companies is a time-consuming process that involves a lot of work. By selling your limited company to us, we take over all legal and administrative responsibility and you get paid immediately.


A company (or a person) is bankrupt if you cannot pay your debts on time and the problem is not just temporary.


Do you own a claim in a bankruptcy? In many cases we can help you claim it.

Economic counseling

It is important to have control over the finances to be able to see the potential to develop the company. Europabusiness offers financial advice - which helps you gain control of your business and minimize administration time. With that in the back pocket, we are also happy to help you see potential in developing your business and your company.

Over 30 years of experience in financial consulting.

We offer both private individuals and companies financial advice.
Our financial advisers have extensive experience of solving problems for individuals and companies in various legal disputes and financial insolvency situations.

99% satisfied customers

Latest news


Kontrolluppgifter 2021

For those of you who have a financial year that ends in December, the last day to submit control information for the income year 2019 is 31 January.

Contact us

Regardless of whether your company has gone bankrupt or if you want to start a new one, do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.
We have the opportunity to meet in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Helsingborg, Kalmar, Riga, Estonia and Lithuania.

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